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  • Call Us: (204)582 - 4157

Latest News
Dear Parishioners,
We would like to thank you for your generous support of our parish despite these difficult times. We are very grateful for every one of your gestures of support and care for our mutual home. Holy Ghost Parish depends entirely on the generosity of our parishioners. We can now accept donations through Pre-Authorized Debit that allows you to give to your parish intentionally and faithfully through scheduled transfers from your bank account.
Details can be found here and Pre-Authorized Debit form here
God bless and stay healthy.

Z całego serca dziękujemy wszystkim wiernym za ofiary, które pomimo ciężkich czasów przynosicie do kościoła, jesteśmy wdzięczni za każdy gest dobroci i troskę o dobro naszej parafii. Dobro duchowe i materialne Parafii Ducha Świętego całkowicie zależy od hojności naszych parafian. Uprzednio autoryzowane składanie ofiar umożliwia regularne i transparentne przekazywanie parafii określonej kwoty z konta bankowego. Szczegoły można pobrać tutaj a Pre-Authorized Debit form tutaj

Bóg zapłać!
welcome to our parish
Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate of Assumption Province

Welcome to our new site that is still currently under development. We hope to have it completed in a few weeks. Please send us feedback and suggestions you may have. Thnak you.
Our Catholic parish in Manitoba was founded at 341 Selkirk Avenue, by Archbishop Adelard Langevin in 1898 to serve Poles, Ukrainians, Germans, and Slovaks residing in Winnipeg’s North End. The parish was established when two Polish priests, Fathers John and Albert Kulawy of the Oblates of Mary Immaculate religious order, arrived in Winnipeg. A wood frame Gothic Revival church was built on this site during 1899-1900. It was veneered in brick in 1901 and doubled in size with the addition of transepts, a sanctuary, and a sacristy in 1905-06. The parish became the focal point of Polish culture in Manitoba following the construction of the first Polish school in Canada in 1902 and a rectory in 1903. It served as the base for Oblate missionary activity in Polish communities across Western Canada.

Did you know that we are now on Facebook & Instagram?
For latest news please check out our social channels


Visit our Facebook and  Instagram  to learn more about what’s happening at our church. Visit our pages to learn more about what’s happening at our church and community. View our latest photos and videos, and while you’re there, don’t forget to give us a like!


Our lives in praising God
We offer two formal opportunities for children to learn about our Catholic Faith. Religious Education Classes Sacramental Preparation We also invite children to participate in other parish functions, including weekly Mass,
Focuses on empowering young people to live as disciples of Christ in the world today, drawing young people to participation in the life and mission of the parish community, and fostering the personal and spiritual growth of each and every young person. All youth from early to older adolescence at any stage of faith growth are welcome!
If you are interested to volunteer, please email us . Thank you!!! ...
"Everyone has something to give to society; no one is excluded from contributing to the good of all." Tweet from Pope Francis.
Our Pastoral team
We believe that small things done with great love will change the world.
We dedicate our time, talent and treasure to the service of all as we build the kingdom of God in our world.

Fr. Tomek

  • :
  • :204 582 4157
Fr. Tomasz Koscinski OMI

Fr. Wojtek

  • :
  • : 204 582 4157
Fr. Wojciech Stangel OMI
Associate Pastor
"So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand."
Isaiah 41:10