The Catholic Women's League became a subdivision of the Catholic Women's League of Canada at Holy Ghost Church in March, 1947. It originated with fifteen members and memberships now total one hundred fourteen. It is an organization of ladies based solely on a dedicated committment of volunteer work. Women sixteen years of age and over are invited to join and attend our meetings held once a month where we meet to discuss the many functions the league undertakes such as hosting receptions, parish banquets (Easter and Christmas, Fall Bazaar, Spring Tea, rummage and bake sales, tag days and also visitation of the sick and elderly.
A communion breakfast is held after our annual meeting in April when Maple Leaf pins , twenty-five year pins and other certificates are awarded to ladies who are in this category. Elections are held every two years and executive positions consist of a president, president-elect first and second vice-presidents, treasurer, secretary, membership convenor, spiritual development convenor, telephone convenor, pastpresident and our spiritual director which is usually the pastor of our church.
The league helps to establish a unity of all women ie. our parish to work together, pray together and to serve the Church and God under the guidance of our Lady of Good Council.