ClassroomEvents Notes



 January 2019,


Happy New Year to everyone! Thank you very much to the students and parents of grade 4 for their very generous and thoughtful Christmas gifts. They will be treasured by me for years to come. As we continue in term 2, an increased focus and attention should be drawn towards preparing for Science Fair. 

As parents and students are aware, the projects MUST be prepared at home, not during class time. Students are aware of upcoming due dates and what to expect. I will have a "check in" at the end of January to ensure students are on track, they will submit about half of their projects thus far to show how they are doing. Do not forget the need for project related research and notes. 

Also, students will be introduced to T.U.S.C. presentations. Please ensure that ALL students have their ear phones and U.S.B.s always at school in order to prepare for these presentations.


Have a wonderful January!


Miss Proulx




MATH: Unit 4-Measurement

SCIENCE: Scientific Method/Sound

SOCIAL STUDIES: Life in Canada

ENGLISH: Language Power Unit 3/Spelling Units 13-16/TUSC Presentations and Reading Activities

HEALTH: Nutrition


Should there be any questions or concerns, please write me a note in the agenda, or phone me at (204) 582-1053, or via email:


Grade 4 Health Outline:

Teacher: Miss A Proulx

Holy Ghost School


(204) 582-1053

September 2018-June 2019

Scope of course:

According to the Manitoba Education and Youth curriculum, in grade 4 health, students will demonstrate "the knowledge component focuses on the introduction of concepts and information (i.e., best practices and potential dangers) for active, healthy living. Students will use process skills, such as decision-making/problem-solving and goal-setting/planning, in simple guided activities for personal planning related to the five strand areas.Students will reach their curriculum outcomes using various sources which may include: Health: Focus on You and various other texts, both primary and secondary sources.

Themes to be covered may include:

  1. 1.      Knowing About Yourself and Others
  2. 2.      Your Physical Development
  3. 3.      Keeping Yourself Healthy
  4. 4.      Using Health Products and Services
  5. 5.      Decisions and Drugs
  6. 6.      Keeping Healthy in Your Environment

Marking Rubric:

Assignments                            45 %

Tests                                      35%

Notes/Daily Work                   10%

Discussion/Participation         10%



Grade 4 Religion Rubric:

Teacher: Miss A Proulx

Holy Ghost School


(204) 582-1053

September 2018-June 2019


Scope of course:

At Holy Ghost, we use the text book: We Live Our Faith: Gods Law Guides Us. This is a new curriculum that has been mandated to be used by all Catholic schools, by the Archdiocese of Catholic schools. There will also be various resources from other sources used for the religion program when it is required. The following are the units we will be covering in grade 4:

  1. Growing in Jesus Christ
  2. The Commandments Help Us to Love God
  3. The Commandments Help Us to Love Others
  4. We Are Called to Holiness
  5. Seasonal Chapters

Marking Rubric:

Assignments                                                                                                                40%

Notes/Mass                                                                                                                 10%

Daily Work (Personal responses that will be shared in class, and homework           10%

Tests                                                                                                                            40%







Grade 4 Social Studies

Teacher: Miss A Proulx

Holy Ghost School


(204) 582-1053

September 2018-June 2019

Scope of course:

In Grade 4 students focus on Manitoba, Canada, and the North. They study the physical geography of Canada, the history of Manitoba, and learn about Canada’s North. This is to highlight based on the Manitoba Curriculum Frameworks of Outcomes, some of what HGS students will be learning this year.

The course is divided into 5 different clusters, or units. The clusters are as follows:

Cluster 1: Geography of Canada

Cluster 2: Living in Canada

Cluster 3: Living in Manitoba

Cluster 4: History of Manitoba

Cluster 5: Canada’s North

Marking Rubric:

Daily Work/Group Work (daily homework, readings, assignments done in class)                10%

Tests/ Quizzes                                                                                                                         50%

Assignments/Projects (TBD throughout the term, individual, and group assignments)        40%





Grade 4 English Language Arts Outline:

Teacher: Miss A Proulx

Holy Ghost School


(204) 582-1053

September 2018-June 2019


Scope of course:

There are four general outcomes that the grade four ELA course is designed to meet.

“Students will listen, speak, read, write, view, and represent to:

  1. explore thoughts ideas, feelings and experiences,”
  2. comprehend and respond personally and critically to oral, literary, and media texts,”
  3. manage ideas and information,”
  4. Enhance the clarity and artistry of communication.”
  5. Celebrate and build community. ”

At Holy Ghost School, student marks will be broken up into 2 categories:

  1. Language Expression (writing, speaking, representing) will be on student’s ability to write, speak, and represent information in English. Assignments and tests will focus on both the formal form of writing, and the creative writing streams.

Examples of topics that may be studied will include:

Creative Writing: Students will be discovering their inner writer throughout the year as they write on their own chosen topics. Through these assignments; students will employ writing mechanics. Please keep a duo tang reserved for writing in your desk. We will be writing on given topics or your own topic approximately 2 times per month.

Debating: Students will learn how to debate, and will explore both sides of a debate. Topics of research will be decided by the teacher. This is a mini unit meant to prepare students for the upper grades.

Journal Writing: Students will create entries in their personal journal in class. Questions to reflect on, and respond to will be expressed by the individual student. There is no wrong answer for this assignment, and marks will be assigned for the journal at the end of each week or so. There is no wrong answer for student responses, so long as the student’s thoughts are full and complete.

Language Power: Students will be taught the grade 4 Language Power curriculum. Tests take place at the end of each unit, practice assignments will be completed in class and for homework.

Spelling: Students will use the Canadian Spelling Program. Words that students must learn are a part of the high frequency words for their age group. Pre-tests and practice will be completed in class; some practice will be assigned for homework.

Paragraph Writing: Student will learn and be taught how to properly compose paragraphs. Students will study the expository, persuasive, and narrative structure, amongst other forms of writing.

TUSC: Totally Unbelievable Speaking Club is a highly structured activity that encourages all students in a class to learn and practise communication skills.  At a chosen time in each school cycle, all students gather to talk and listen. Each student has a special role.  Over a period of weeks, students rotate through all of the essential roles and participate in many of the optional roles. Students will present approximately 1 TUSC presentation per cycle.

Grading Rubric:

Grammar/Spelling: 35 %

Assignments    25%

Tests:               20%

TUSC                20%


  1. Language Comprehension (reading, listening, and viewing).  The focus will be on reading, listening, and viewing information in the English language.  Students will read independently, as a class, and in small groups. Students will be able to listen, and view various reading materials.  Students will be exposed to both classical and modern resources.

Examples of topics that may be studied will include:

Novel Study: Students will read, and explore 2 novels Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, and Charlotte’s Web.

Short Stories: Students will study and learn various literacy devices present in fiction and non-fiction. Some devices may include: theme, characters, symbols, story mapping etc.

Independent Reading: Students will read for approximately 10 minutes at the beginning of each day, and will be required to write 2 independent reading assignments per term. Students should always have books in class and as part of their daily homework, read 10-15 minutes each day.

Readers Theatre: Students will participate in a reader’s theatre style novel/short story unit. Students will take turns reading out loud in class, and will listen to others read.

Journal: Journal will cover themes studies in class.


Grading Rubric:

Journal            (topics TBA)                15%

Assignments                            40%

Tests                                        35%

Participation/Discussion         10%





Grade 4 Math Outline:

Teacher: Miss A Proulx

Holy Ghost School


(204) 582-1053

September 2018-June 2019


Scope of course:

At Holy Ghost School we use the textbook Math Makes Sense 4, and other resources to teach the grade 4 math curriculum. There are 8 units total that are studied in the grade 4 curriculum that fulfills the grade 4 Manitoba Education curriculum. These units reflect the outcome strands of numbers, patterns and relations, shape and space, and statistics and probability.

This curriculum is divided into the following units:

  1. Patterns and Equations
  2. Whole Numbers
  3. Multiplication and Division Facts
  4. Measurement
  5. Fractions and Decimals
  6. Geometry
  7. Data Analysis
  8. Multiplying and Dividing Larger Numbers

Grading Rubric:

Daily Work (homework, Mad Minutes, class work) 40%

Tests and Quizzes 50%

Participation 10%




Grade 4 Science Outline:

Teacher: Miss A Proulx

Holy Ghost School


(204) 582-1053

September 2018-June 2019


Scope of course:

At Holy Ghost School we use a variety of resources including the Scholastic Science series to fulfil the Manitoba Education Outcomes. Units of study include: Habitats, Sound, Light, and Rocks, Minerals, and Erosion. Students are also introduced to the scientific process in term 2 to prepare students for their very first science fair project.

This curriculum is divided into 4 main units:

  1. Habitats
  2. Sound
  3. Light
  4. Rocks, Minerals, and Erosion

Grading Rubric

Daily Work 10%

Assignments 30%

Tests and Quizzes 50%

Participation 10%

v  For term 2, Science Fair projects will be worth 30% of student’s term 2 mark.




Grade 4 Art Rubric:

Teacher: Miss A Proulx

Holy Ghost School


(204) 582-1053

September 2018-June 2019


Scope of course:

At Holy Ghost, we utilize various resources for our art program. All assignments and projects are created so students are able to experiment with technique and artistic freedom. The overall goal of the curriculum is to support, nurture, and inspire the growth of every student as a young artist and as an artful learner. Students will continue to develop as an artist while meeting the following curriculum outcomes that were established by the Manitoba Visual Arts Curriculum:

  • The Young Art
  • Art Language and Tools
  • Creative Expression in Art
  • Understanding Art in Context
  • Valuing Artistic Experience


Marking Rubric:

Participation                                                                           25%

Projects/Assignments Craftsmanship                                     25%

Work Habits (Effort, Following Directions)                            50%

/ 100 %








