ClassroomEvents Notes



Happy New Year!

Wishing everyone the very best of good health and happiness in the New Year! I hope that you all had a wonderful Christmas, lots of good cheer, and some rest and relaxation as well. A beautiful New Year awaits us, full of new beginnings and great adventures! Remember that with hard work, determination, and God’s help, anything is possible!

It was wonderful to see many of the parents at the Christmas Concert, and in the school hallways the last week of school. Thank you to the students and parents for their good wishes, beautiful cards, and Christmas gifts. They are truly appreciated, and make me realize how lucky I am to be teaching at the best school in Winnipeg - Holy Ghost School!

3 Exciting Announcements to Share:


Scholastic Canada 

STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) 

Young Inventors Contest


Congratulations to Heleyna M. for being a winner in the Scholastic Canada STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) Young Inventors Contest. Students were challenged to use their imagination and creativity to think up the ultimate invention. All of the grade 6 students designed wonderful and creative inventions – it is amazing what young minds can dream up!


Helena was fortunate to have her invention called THE BLIND BOT selected from all of the entries across Canada! Through the use of a small camera and head piece her invention helps blind people navigate the streets safely, as well as do things they normally are unable to do. She has won a microscope and non-fiction library of books for her terrific work, which will be mailed out soon. Hopefully the mail strike won’t delay it too much!



Holy Ghost Student Wins Trip to Ottawa in Young Citizens Video Contest! 


Congratulations to Joshua C., whose video, #Riel Hero, was selected as one of six winners from across Canada in the Young Citizens Video Contest. He made his video last spring for the Red River Heritage Fair.


Joshua did a great deal of research and put in a lot of effort going on location to several sites around Winnipeg to tell the amazing story of Louis Riel, Father of Manitoba, and Leader of the Métis People. Joshua was able to tell the story of Louis Riel in a succinct, personal, and engaging manner, bringing awareness of this important part of Canadian history to people all across Canada.


Thank you to everyone who voted online for Joshua’s video last June, as well as the four other amazing videos created by HGS grade 6 students.


If you click on the first link below, then scroll down past Joshua’s picture and profile questions, you will see comments from 440 people who responded to his video!


Joshua and five other students from across Canada have won trips to Ottawa to attend the Canadian History Forum, as well as to enjoy several sight-seeing excursions in the capital area. They are sure to have a fun-filled time exploring the beautiful city of Ottawa! Fantastic work, Joshua, and safe and happy travels in January!


Below is a link to Joshua’s video. As well, there are links to previous HGS trip winners:


Watch a clip that aired on CBC’s The National:


Kayak Kids History Story Contest Honorable Mention Winner - 

The Winnipeg General Strike 


Congratulations to Patrick N. for winning Honorable Mention in the Kayak Kids’ Illustrated History Story Contest for a story he wrote last May. His exciting historical fiction story was about the Winnipeg General Strike which took place on May 15, 1919 and lasted for 6 weeks. This strike was very controversial and made headlines around the world, including The New York Times! 

Next year will be the 100th anniversary of this important event. There will be many events held around the city next year to commemorate the occasion.

A play about the event called STRIKE! The Musical was written by Winnipegger Danny Schur, and was performed at Rainbow Stage and other venues. It will be performed once again at Rainbow Stage June 18-28 and July 2-5, 2019. 

As well, Danny Schur is in the process of making a movie about the strike called STAND! The Movie. It was shot entirely on location in Winnipeg this past August and September, and is due to be released next year, for the 100th Anniversary. Executive producers include Gail Asper and Hartley Richardson, among others.


 Conflict Mediators


The Conflict Mediator's job is to help students solve conflicts on the playground. During their training sessions the conflict mediators learn that: 

  • Conflict is a natural part of life
  • Conflict can be solved in helpful or hurtful ways
  • People know the best solutions to their own problems
  • Mediators help others solve conflict by allowing them to think of their own solutions
  • People have different points of view and can see the same event but experience it in different ways – both persons may be correct – they just have different perspectives
  • When disputants are helped to understand the whole story of the conflict they will be able to think of a solution that best suits them
  • Solutions work best when those with the problem generate them so they can learn to problem solve and so that they can take responsibility for the solution


It is our hope that by going through the mediation process, and learning to think of their own solutions to conflicts, that our students will learn to see conflicts from the other person’s point of view, and learn to use a calm and fair method to solve conflicts.


Through the conflict mediation program we hope to see an improvement in problem solving skills, empathy, and cooperation. As well we expect to see a reduction in blaming, criticizing, and retaliation when conflicts arise. This will be a skill students will find valuable their entire lives, because conflicts often occur when two people see the same situation in different ways.



Have a Great Day!


  1. Think Safety at ALL Times and in ALL Situations:


           - Slow down on the playground 


           - Watch out for the other children on the playground


           - Think of possible consequences before you act


           - Work and play in a safe manner



  2. Be a Friend to All:


           - Include everyone in games  


           - Use kind and respectful language


           - Offer encouragement and support to others


           - Give others a sincere compliment to brighten their day



3. Complete Homework & Projects on Time and with Full Details & Creativity:


            - Plan ahead and give yourself enough time


            - Do homework and projects in a quiet area at the same time each day


            - Ask for help if you are having difficulties


            - Do complete, detailed and creative work – always do your best!



4. Be Neat and Organized:


             - Remember that being organized saves time and minimizes frustration


             - Keep your notebooks, desk, book-bag, locker and classroom neat and tidy

How To Raise a Reader

Great suggestions on helping your child to develop a of life-long love of reading!

June News


Young Citizens Video Challenge - Everyone Please Vote Online 


Thank you to everyone who voted for our students. We are now awaiting the results!


Anna Mhira A. - Viola Desmond: Fight for What is Right


Josh C. - #RielHero


Mischa G. - The History & Evolution of Portage and Main


Jasnoor G. – The Edmonton Grads: World's Most Winning Team


Scarlett M. – Roberta Bondar: First Canadian Woman in Space

