ClassroomEvents Notes



Welcome to the HGS Phys. Ed page.  Below you will find information on school teams, as well as the units that your child(ren) will encounter during their physical education classes.  You will also find the grading rubrics that are used for your childs report cards.  If you have any questions at all, don't hesitate to call or email me.  Thanks so much.

Mr. Jeremy Thiessen


Our school basketball teams have been selected and league games will begin the last week of January.  For schedule information please email or text Mr. Thiessen.  Good luck to the tier 1 and tier 2 boys team, as well as the tier 1 girls team!  

Please contact me if you have any questions on what's going on inside the gym.  Thank you kindly.


Course Expectations

Students are expected to:

  • Bring a change of clothes for physical education classes.
  • Take part in all physical education classes unless they have a note from home excusing them from      class.  If they are exempt from class they should bring study materials to class.
  • Refrain from having food or gum in the gym.
  • Exhibit sportsmanship, a positive attitude, and give maximum effort.
  • Be changed for class and be on time. 

Evaluation Policy (Grade 1 to 4)

For each reporting period the students will be evaluated as follows: participation (50%), movement skills (50%).

Grade 1 students will be given a daily mark out of 2 (based on participation and attitude) by the teacher, and are not expected to change for class.

For grade 2-4 students, there will be a daily participation and attitude score (out of 3) given by the teacher.  Students will lose 2 marks for not being properly changed for class.

Evaluation Policy - Grade 5 to 8

For each reporting period the students will be evaluated as follows: participation (40%), skills (30%), and written tests/theory (30%).

Participation scores for grade 6-8 students will be based on a daily self-assessment (mark out of 5); while skills scores will be self-assessed at various times throughout the year (mark out of 5).  The teacher reserves the right to adjust scores if it is not an honest representation of what is deserved.  A rubric outlining these assessments is below. 

For grade 5 students, there will be a daily participation and attitude score (out of 3) given by the teacher.  Students will lose 2 marks for not being properly changed for class.


Holy Ghost School


Phys. Ed. Participation Rubric


(Grade 6-8)





  • Participates to the best of their ability the entire class, completing all exercises & activities
  • Engages in all aspects of the activities
  • Follows the fair play code throughout the entire class
  • Listens to and follows all of the instructions
  • Arrives changed and on time to class





  • Participates to the best of their ability, for most of the class completing all exercises & activities
  • Engages in most aspects of the activities
  • Follows the fair play code throughout the entire class
  • Listens to and follows all of the instructions
  • Arrives changed and ready to participate




Not Prepared – Not Changed (Top or Bottom)


  • Participates to the best of their ability the entire class, completing all exercises & activities
  • Engages in all aspects of the activities
  • Follows the fair play code throughout entire class
  • Listens to and follows all of the instructions




  • Participates in class though does not complete all of the exercises or activities
  • Does not listen to or follow all of the instructions
  • Disrupts the class





  • Does not put forth the expected level of effort
  • Repeatedly disrupts the class
  • Interferes with the participation of others
  • Only plays when “play” comes to them





  • Refuses to participate
  • Is asked to leave the class



  Holy Ghost School


Phys. Ed. Skills Rubric


(Grade 6-8)






  • Has mastered the skill
  • Can demonstrate the correct use of the skill in game situations
  • Completed all the drills properly





  • Demonstrates a good grasp of the skill but is not at the mastery level
  • Uses the skill correctly in most game situations
  • Completes all of the drills properly





  • Shows steady improvement in skill
  • Attempts to use skill correctly in game situations
  • Tries to complete all of the drills properly





  • Requires additional instruction or participation time
  • Occasionally attempts to use the skill correctly in game situations
  • Skill comprehension is lacking, more practice is needed
  • Seldom attempts to use the skill in game situations





  • Skill comprehension is lacking, more practice needed
  • Seldom attempts to use the skill in game situations



Grade 3-8 Phys. Ed Units

Term 1 (September - November)

  1. Volleyball (school team in this sport)
  2. Lacrosse
  3. Soccer
  4. Fitness

Term 2 (December - March)

  1. Basketball (school team in this sport)
  2. Badminton (school team in this sport)
  3. Team Handball
  4. Dance (With Special Instruction)
  5. Fitness

Term 3 (April - June)

  1. Track & Field (school team in this sport)
  2. Ultimate Football (outside)
  3. Floor Hockey
  4. Fitness


* Brief Units/Classes we'll have with Special Instruction

  1. Cricket
  2. Archery

** There will be a school rugby team(s) that will run outside of Phys. Ed class.

***K-2 classes are structured with a mixture of games, movement skills, and manipulative skills.


Grade 6-8 Sports

Holy Ghost School puts together boy and girl volleyball, basketball, badminton, flag rugby, and track & field teams. Volleyball, basketball, badminton, and flag rugby teams are open to grade 6-8 students. Track & field is open to grade 4-8 students. These teams are coached by dedicated teachers and volunteers and compete against other Christian schools.

Volleyball: September thru November

Basketball: December thru March

Badminton: April

Flag Rugby: May

Track & Field (Grade 4-8): May & June


Grade 5 & 6 Intramurals

Once a week, during lunch, grade 5 & 6 students have the opportunity to participate in sport specific play in the gym.  We rotate between volleyball and basketball each day 4.  Grade 5 & 6's also have the chance to play in a basketball tournament that occurs in late May/early June as well as a volleyball fundamentals program that occurs from April thru June.

Ski Trips

The grade 7 and 8 students participate in an overnight ski trip in Russel, Manitoba. The trip takes place every two years and alternates with the grade 5 & 6 camping trip. Each student has the opportunity to go on one camping trip and one ski trip. The next ski trip will take place in the winter of 2018.


Grade 5 & 6 students participate in a two night camping trip to Winkler Bible Camp. The trip takes place every two years and alternates with the grade 7 and 8 ski trip.  The next camping trip will occur in spring of 2017.

